From llucia&AS-LAWYERS we always have in mind in our day to day professional rigour principles which they are inspired by the teacher SR. HOWARD GARDNER who won the award of PRINCIPE DE ASTURIAS in social science, he was the father of the intelligent multiples theory. For that reason we understand that our idea of professional excellence is based on compromise and ethics. Getting of excellence is our job and, specially, to get that excellence from our compromise with ourselves, our clients and our lawyers partner and opposite clients it is the principle which we work in our office for.

Besides, from llucia&AS-LAWYERS, we always work searching:

  • Customer satisfaction:

We try to go after the customer satisfaction, not only getting a right and positive result for him, otherwise with added values.

  • Production efficiency:

Getting efficiency in a lawyer office is something very complex because the most of the works interact and depend on third parties (courts, administrations, notaries,…),even so our intention is to reduce the times of our job to the limit.

  • Quality Service:

We focus our services on adding value to our job as lawyers, advisers, mediators. Those added values are the use of new technologies to offer to our costumers the best attencion possible ( email, chat on-line, digital sign)  and the use of technologies in our work following the international protocols of quality management which regulate the rules ISO:9000.

  • Personalised Costumer Service:

Lastly our values have as concerning to personalised to the maximum our services, trying to give the best possibe service to our costumers.